これね、長年の疑問だったんですよ。だって、ヴァロとかで実況・解説音が聞けたら、状況把握できちゃうじゃん?これについては日本語sourceは全く見つからなかったけんども、redditではよくわかる回答があった。以下全部、reddit(Can pro players hear the commentators while they’re playing? : r/GlobalOffensive)から引用する。まず、疑問提起したユーザcoreynj氏の意見。
Can pro players hear the commentators while they’re playing?
I’m not sure how commentating works, but if they can hear the commentators, can’t they hear the commentators talking about the positioning of enemy players, or other things that would give them an advantage? Or am I mistaken?
They can’t, they have a proper headset and occasionally they are in special ‘boxes’ that limit the sound even more
1 ) The headphones they use are the same design and style that Navy folks use on Aircraft Carriers, you can BARELY hear jets 30 feet away from you.
2 ) The little booths they’re in are sound proof, the glass at least. Sound does not / should not pass through the glass.
So, with those two factors, it is VERY VERY difficult and near impossible for players on most stages at most events to hear the casters. The Crowd however is different, since they can feel the vibrations from loud cheering and a lot of pros had said that’s been used by many pros to sort of “wallhack” or know when they’re sneaking up on someone or being lurked on.
※なにもこれはe-Sportsシーンだけについて言えるわけではないようです(NBAでも似た例がある)。参考URL:Can NBA players hear the announcers? – AS USA