【連載:ローグライト探訪記】ゲームの祖「Dwarf Fortress」公式タイル版リリース日決定を勝手に祝し関連英語ソースを足りない英語力を振り絞って抄訳してみた | ページ 2 | ゲヲログ2.0

【連載:ローグライト探訪記】ゲームの祖「Dwarf Fortress」公式タイル版リリース日決定を勝手に祝し関連英語ソースを足りない英語力を振り絞って抄訳してみた

We don’t talk about this much, but for many years, Zach has been on expensive medication, which has fortunately been covered by his healthcare.  It’s a source of constant concern, as the plan has changed a few times and as the political environment has shifted.  We have other family health risks, and as we get older, the precariousness of our situation increases; after Zach’s latest cancer scare, we determined that with my healthcare plan’s copay etc., I’d be wiped out if I had to undergo the same procedures.  That said, crowdfunding is by far our main source of income and the reason we’re still here.  Your support is still crucial, as the Steam release may or may not bring us the added stability we’re seeking now and it’s some months away.

Dwarf Fortress coming to Steam and itch.io, free version always updated and available | Bay 12 Games on Patreonより引用.








We’re implementing a few last creature and building graphics and fixing more bugs. We already know for sure that launch will include Legends mode.

We’re not totally sure whether we’ll have Arena mode or Steam Workshop integration or Classic mode at launch, but we do know all are very very close and already partially working. So those three things might end up in the launch or they might end up being patched in in the weeks after.


For the months following launch, we have more graphics we want to add. We’d like specific graphics for more plants (evergreens, real world plants, etc), for example, and we’d also love to put in images for baby animals instead of just scaling down the adult versions. Kittens and red panda cubs and giant eaglets!

We’re also not able to approach Mac and Linux by ourselves, since we’ve never notarized a Mac build or managed Linux libraries, and will need to get help with that to do it properly. But obviously we’d love to get that whole pipeline working so people can play on non-Windows computers.

And of course we’ll do whatever necessary work there is to stabilize the release post-launch.


It will take a lot of effort and tons of special menus and interface, but Adventure mode is the biggest thing on the horizon that’s missing from launch.

Around the same time as Adventure mode, maybe a bit before or after, we’ll probably also put in Steam Achievements. We’ll complete the work on villain systems and armies and sieges we were pondering before premium DF work began.

After that, we’ll probably enter a lengthier development cycle, designing and coordinating work around the next big improvements to the map system, preparing the game for the addition of procedurally generated myths and magic systems. Some of these additions will take months by themselves, or longer, but we’ll see how all that is shaping up when we get there.

Thanks for your enduring patience! We’re hoping for a smooth and cheerful launch, thanks to the help of everybody keeping things running: the mods, volunteers, Kitfox, Valve, and our players and supporters. Not too much longer before you too can Strike the Earth!

Dwarf Fortress-Release Date Announcement 📢 Dwarf Fortress Update News-Steamニュースより引用.





