【未だ衝撃と熱が冷めない!】「サイバーパンク: エッジランナーズ」ルーシーの幼少期について海外Wikiの記事から、足りない英語力と脳力を全力で駆使して抄訳・解説してみる。 | ページ 2 | ゲヲログ2.0

【未だ衝撃と熱が冷めない!】「サイバーパンク: エッジランナーズ」ルーシーの幼少期について海外Wikiの記事から、足りない英語力と脳力を全力で駆使して抄訳・解説してみる。

Lucy is a mysterious netrunner from Night City. She is quite introverted and doesn’t like to talk much about her past. Although she looks innocent, she won’t hesitate to kill a person in a heartbeat if they tick her off. Lucy also considers Night City a prison and dreams of one day leaving it for the moon.


Lucy is a young woman with naturally white hair and purple and red gradient pupils. She wears light red eye and lip makeup. Her hair is cut in a split bob – with her left side left longer – and dyed with a colorful pastel rainbow gradient. Her eyes appear to reflect with the colors of her hair. Lucy wears a cropped white jacket with a black, sleeve- and thighless netrunner jumpsuit with red accents over a pair of white shorts and high gray stockings, and black knee-high boots.


Lucy is of Japanese and Polish descent, and was selected at a young age after having taken a proficiency test–alongside 12 other children–to receive training at an undisclosed Arasaka facility and become a netrunner. Being led on by the dream of “serving the world’s most powerful megacorp” one day, got her and the others through the toughest days and training.


When their training concluded, they were moved underground to participate in deep dives into the pre-DataKrash Net, as Arasaka sent them looking for knowledge that was lost. As they dove into the Net, they were susceptible to old world daemons and rogue AIs. The children were picked off one by one, and it didn’t take long until only a handful of them were left.


After realizing that they could pursue other dreams, instead of being enslaved by the corporation, the remaining children, including Lucy, used their netrunning skills to overwhelm the Arasaka staff and escape. While making their escape, most of the children were shot down one-by-one, and only Lucy managed to survive.


というわけですね。やはり話の筋としては、かなり単純なものだと思います。分かりにくさがないよね。『攻殻機動隊の草薙素子とは比較されるだろうけど、まったく違うキャラを意識させるように描いた”ルーシー”というキャラ』は、決して二番煎じ的に浮世だっておらずリアリティがあります。それにしてもポーランド人と日本人のハーフだったとは。あと本名はLucyではなく、Lucyna Kushinada(ルーシーナ・クシナダ)だったこと、皆さんご存じでしたか?

