iOS系ゲーム情報サイトTouchArcadeが「Danmaku Unlimited(ダンマクアンリミテッド)」IPの事実上の改新作「Danmaku Unlimited: WYVER ULTRA」について2023/1初頭の時点で伝えてる。記事は、ゲーム開発者当人であるSunnyTam(@SunnySyTam)の一連のtweetを引じながらのものになってるブツ。公開された情報の各シーンごとに、どういった特徴が垣間見えるのかを簡潔に説しながら伝えているものだ。
Playing around w the title screen #wyverultra #danmakuunlimited #shmup #IndieGameDev #indiegames #STG同好会
— Sunny Tam (@SunnySyTam) January 9, 2023
Playing w some charge up mechanics #wyverultra #danmakuunlimited #shmup #indiedev #screenshotsaturday #STG同好会
— Sunny Tam (@SunnySyTam) December 24, 2022
第三に、ゲーム「Radiant Silvergun」を彷彿とさせる部分について.
Trying out Radiant Silvergun style instead of shooting the blades #wyverultra #danmakuunlimited #shmup #indiegames #indiegamedev #STG同好会
— Sunny Tam (@SunnySyTam) December 22, 2022
Danmaku Unlimited: WYVER ULTRA still doesn’t have a confirmed release window or platforms. I imagine it will be on PC or Switch from the start, but I hope it does come to mobile as well. I’ll be sure to play it wherever it launches first though. Hopefully we get information on a release window soon. Until then, you can buy Danmaku Unlimited 3 on the App Store for iOS here and Google Play for Android here. Check it out on Steam here and Nintendo Switch here. Check out our forum thread for it here. Have you played the Danmaku Unlimited series yet on any platform and what do you think of the new gameplay so far for Danmaku Unlimited: Wyver Ultra?
Shoot ‘Em Up ‘Danmaku Unlimited: WYVER ULTRA’ Gets New Gameplay Clips and a Look at the Title Screen – TouchArcadeより引用.