海外e-Sportsライターによる統計的ブロウルハラTierリスト【6.04環境/2022年3月付近付け】 | ゲヲログ2.0


Natus Vincere・DreamHack・FACEIT・DOTAFire・2Pなどで経験豊富な海外e-SportsプロライターのVINCENZO “SKULZ” MILELLA氏がブロウル6.04環境下でのキャラTierを統計的にはじき出している(2022年3月付近付けのまとめ)。以前、ファメがまとめたものよりも更新が進んでいるようなので、ご紹介しよう。

※文章:Brawlhalla Tier List: Best Legends at Diamond in March 2022 | Esports Talesより引用.

This tier list is mostly based on the strength of each legend at the Diamond rank. I took into consideration the pick and win rate of all the legends in almost 2 million games played under patch 6.04.


The pro meta has limited or no influence on the tiers as I wanted to create something useful for us ranked players.


While the results at Diamond are the main source behind these tiers, I did not neglect completely the Platinum rank: the over 10 million matches played so far during the patch had a slight impact on the final distribution.


The list is not biased with personal opinions. Honestly, I was a bit surprised about the win rate of some legends at very high ranks, but I still organized the tiers strictly based on the data gathered.

あくまで、統計の算出結果であり、まとめた自分自身(VINCENZO “SKULZ” MILELLA氏)分布に驚かされた面もある。

Both the pick and win rate had a certain influence on the tiers. For example, a legend played by a large percentage of the player base, and that also achieved a high win rate, scored more points into this list than a less popular one with a similar win rate.


I believe that there isn’t an ideal tier list in Brawlhalla because the success of a legend depends on the environment (pro or ranked play), your rank, the opponents faced, your personal preferences and tactics.


However, I hope that my statistical-based approach is a good attempt to provide a reliable list for all the casual and ranked players.


とのことです(; ・`д・´)…では、次ページでTierリスト見ていきます。