Using Small Text Data in FinTech | ゲヲログ2.0

Using Small Text Data in FinTech

The word FinTech has become a very important word in our society. This word is a combination of two words: Finance and Technology. And now, text mining is becoming a more effective tool for FinTech.

Traditionally, text mining in FinTech has focused on big text data. But I think it is just one of the research tools. So I think that small characteristic text data will be an effective tool for FinTech analysis in the future.

Big text data has many bad points, especially in handling and cleansing. On the other hand, small text data has many good points. It is a fast, easy, and light tool that can be utilized on a personal computer. The starting point for this study is whether big text data is essential for FinTech.

This study confirms the usefulness of small text data in FinTech tools. Unlike big text data, which can have diverse aspects, the use of this small text data may be a turning point that opens up new aspects of FinTech in the future.

Shohei Ujiie

